Dogs are like children. The only difference is that when a child pees on the floor you can't scoop him up and plop him outside. Also, children are intelligent, so they can choose whether to be bad or not. Watching dogs takes the same skill set as watching kids. You have to be quick, patient, filled with caffine, and on alert at all times. Also you have to know what you're dealing with so you can have a plan of action;
Dog #1
Name; Chewbacca
AKA; Chewy or Baccy
Description; Full grown grey/brown cocker spaniel with brown eyes and no tail. Short hair. Pudgy.
Motivation; food
Notes; If food is out, he will find it. His tracking capabilities are unmatchable.
Dog #2
Name; Charlie
AKA; Baby
Description; Ruby red Calvalier King Charles Spaniel. Buldgy brown eyes. Long fur and tail. Looks something like a teddy bear.
Motivation; Affection.
Notes; If he's being held, he's content. He gets anxious when no ones around.
Dog #3
Name; Pippin
AKA; Brat
Description; Nearly grown ruby red Calvalier King Charles Spaniel. Short silky hair and a long tail.
Motivation; Envy
Notes; If you want to get his attention, pick up one of the other dogs. He doesn't like it when his people give affection to others.
Preforming daily activities with these three stooges is difficult. Each has their own special dog foog. Charlie and Chewy get their's with lowfat yogurt on top. Pippin can't be fed with Chewbacca because he eats slow and Chewy will eat his food. Also there are only two food bowls so you have to wait for one to finish before feeding another one. When they go out to the yard to do their business Chewy has to go on a leash because he'll eat the plants in the garden if he goes unmonitored. Throughout the day Pippin will yip and nip at Charlie. Sometimes he needs rescuing. They all insist on sleeping with us. So, we each get a dog. I get Chewy, Em gets Charlie, and Ethan gets Pippin.
In short, I feel for Mr. Fredrickson...
He had a kid and dogs to deal with.. not to mention a bird.
Well said. You've pretty much got "the three stooges" down pat. :p