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Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Short Post About 2012

Guess what people, I haven't written a blog post all year! Haha!  Sorry Sorry.  I know that you are probably really tired of those sort of jokes.  But, I had to make at least one to start off this year. 

Now, what will this year hold?  What is awaiting us around the bend?  Will a new president sit in the Oval Office, or will Obama continue to wield power?  What new technology will baffle US citizens?  Will flying cars finally become a reality? What new catchy tune will rise to the top of the charts?  What will Lady Gaga wear to her birthday party?  Will we find the answer to world peace? Will we finally find the perfect energy source?  Will the world end? 

There are lots of questions and no answers.  Why aren't there any answers?  Because we're not God.  No one but Him knows what will come to pass this year.  Due to Walt Disney's influence, we all think that we're incharge of our own destinies.  Here's a shocker, we aren't.  God is.  It says in Jeremiah 29:11; " 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.' "  The future is not in our hands.  It is laid out before God like a big open pop-up book. 

We tend to micro-manage here in the states.  Our iphones and ipads help us with that.  Sometimes, we need to be reminded that we can't control everything.  The world is not in our hands.  No matter how much we worry about life, we can't change the future.  I'm going to make a new New Year's resolutiuon.  I'm not going to worry.  This year, I'm going to let God do his thing and take care of me.  My future is written in the stars.  So this year, I'm not going to get tangled in the sticky web of worry. 

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