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-Robert Motherwell

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Other World

Do you ever look at a beautiful sunset or a raging ocean and feel an ache inside your heart?  Like you crave more and more of the beauty before you, but the more you look, and the more you drink in, the more you ache and the more you yearn?  C.S. Lewis says this of such feelings; "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."

I wonder often about what this "other world" that I was made for will be like.  I think of it as full of green valleys, dotted with tall, purple, snow covered mountains, and resplendant with a golden light.  I imagine more colors than we could have ever dreamed of and I imagine sunsets so breathtaking that they make ours look like dark clouds.

In this other world, I will drink in sunsets and skies hundreds of thousands of times more beautiful than the ones I see now, and I will not ache.  My new body and enlarged soul will be capable of containing the beauty around me.  I will "add to the beauty" and be one with it.  I will dance in beams of sunlight, I will roll in cotton candy clouds, I will fling myself into the arms of Jesus and I will celebrate before his throne. 

Sometimes, when I try to think about my past, I get dizzy.  It's like recalling someone elses life.  A life that I was once the main character in and that still makes up a part of who I am.  That is how we will remember this life once we enter the other world.  It will be nothing more than "a shadow and a thought" compared to the life that we will be living; a dark and distant dream (mmmhmmm Lord of the Rings quote).

Sometimes, I just want to stop being in this world.  This life can seem so pointless, so trivial.  But I know, that it's just part of the journey.  I know that despite my longings for another world, there is a reason that I was put into this one.  I don't know what that reason is, but I know that God does.  And that is comfort enough.

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