"Collage is the twentieth century's greatest innovation."
-Robert Motherwell

Sunday, December 18, 2011


      In this world, we don't take enough time to think about beauty.  When I say "beauty,"  I'm talking about raw, untouched beauty.  I'm talking about the beauty in the tranquil waters of the pacific, spreading over a white sanned beach.  I'm talking about the beauty in a thunderstorm.  I'm talking about the beauty in a a sky so blue it makes you hurt.  I'm talking about the beauty in a newborn babe wrapped in swaddling clothes. 

      We are surrounded with incredibly beautiful things.  The other night, I was in the car, traveling home with my mom and sister.  As we passed through the thick darkness that was penetrated by street lights, I was overcome by the beauty that I saw everywhere.  My heart skipped and jumped inside me as I looked at the city lights, mirrored in the black water of the bay, the moon hiding in the clouds, and the stars twinkling at the people below.  I couldn't stop exclaiming over everything I saw.  I couldn't contain the joy I felt at the beautiful world around me.  So, I've decided that this whole post is going to give you pieces of beauty.  I will list things that I think are beautiful and post pictures to prove my point.  

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      I know I just talked about city light on water.  But honestly, isn't this amazing?  There is something so romantic, so idylic, and so perfect about rivers at night.  I'm not the only one to notice the beauty of water at night either.  Taylor swift has a line in one of her songs where she mentions "All of the city lights on the water."  I like to look down into the water and see the world refelcting in it's depths.  It's like there's a whole other world down there; sort of like on Pirates of the Carribean :).  If I ever get married, I think my wedding will be held at night on a river boat. 

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      Babies do something to my soul.  They are so trusting, so innocent, and so uncorrupted (if that's a word).  When I hold a baby in my arms, I am holding the future.  As I examine her fat little toes, I am overcome by the fact that only a few months before, she didn't even exist.  Babies are small, soft little miracles, and if miracles aren't beautiful, then I don't know what is.

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      Rainy, snowy, sunny, or cloudy; the sky never ceases to amaze me.  Sometimes I stare at the sky so much that I get dizzy.  It's so huge!  I feel so small and insignificant when I look at the sky.  Words cannot describe the awesomeness of it.  I litterally can't breathe when I look at the sky.

  Have you ever looked at a flower up close?  The delicate beauty of them is  facinating, and easy to miss.  Even flowers that get labled as "weeds"  (dandelions)  are still carefully detailed.  The bright pink one (above) with the purple center looks like a little play pen :). 

Ahhh  the northern lights; facinating really. According to howstuffworks.com, the northern ligths occur when solar winds from the sun speed towards earth and follow the earth's magnetic field to the poles.  The solar winds then come in contact with the earth's atmosphere and this is the reult of their union. 

      There are countless other beautiful things in the world but to put them all on this post would over load my blog.  So I'm going to end with this picture.  Isn't this just the prettiest "giant blueberry" that you've ever seen? (Haha! unintentional Rocket Man quote!)