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-Robert Motherwell

Friday, December 23, 2011

Brown Bears, Rain, and Sunshine

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I love it when it rains.  The sky clouds up, the streets shimmer as they reflect the lights of cars sloshing through the puddles, and the world becomes small for a while.  The light drifting through the windows is soft and pearly.  My house suddenly becomes a cosy sleepy place.  Kind of like the Napping House "where everyone is sleeping."  I am rarely in a bad mood when it rains.  Instead, I am sleepy and content, like a fat brown bear ready for winter.  Why should I be angry?  I am going to sleep now.  Anger would inhibit sleep. 

I realized the other day that it's kind of wierd that I like rain.  Most people hate it.  I mean after all, it makes it impossible to go anywhere without getting wet.  But I relish the wetness of it.  Sometimes, when sheets of rain are pouring down, I'll slip outside and let the rain saturate my being.  In a chaotic sort of insanity, I will laugh and run and shout as I become totally drenched.  It reminds me of that song by Super chick called "Stand in the rain."  Here, I'll post it for you.

I think that one of the reasons I love rain so much is because I can't control it.  As I stand there, getting wetter by the second, I am letting go.  I am letting go of my dryness.  It's like letting go of my selfconciosness.  I stand in the rain, I stand up as everything around me is crashing down.  The rain washes away all of my worries, all of my doubts, and all of me. 

It's like what Dory on Finding Nemo says; "It's time to let go!"  I think we should all stand in the rain more often.  Figuratively anyway.  We could all stand to let go of ourselves.  To stop thinking about what we think matters and start prayin about what God says matters. As the thunder rollls, and the lightning tries to break the sky, I will stand there, letting go of myself.  Letting go of who I want to be.  When the storm is over, I will be a new person.  I will peel off my wet clothes, and I will put on a soft warm suit. 

After a storm,  the world becomes beautiful.  The grass is greener, the dirt is richer, the birds sing sweeter, and the sun shines brighter.  There is a sense of exitement.  It's like the brown bear in me wakes up and sees a big pot of honey in front of him.  Suddenly, the world is full of sweet and inticing possibilities.  The world becomes "a new creation" and a new place for us to explore.


  1. Sweet post Rissa! I'm with you, I love the rain. And I'm always in need of letting go of one thing or another...mostly myself.
