"Collage is the twentieth century's greatest innovation."
-Robert Motherwell

Sunday, December 11, 2011


      Expression is what every human must do at some point. 
      There are no rules when it comes to expression.  It can be singing or writing a song, it can be inventing poetry, it can be dance, it can be painting, it can be decorating, it can even be reorganizing your room.
      Sometimes, expression can take on monumental sizes.  For example; the Pyramids and the Great Wall of China.  These are testimonials to the ingenuity of the Egyptian and Chinese people.  At other times, expression is so minute that no one even knows that it's there.
      So it is with this blog.  I don't know if anyone will even notice it, but that's ok because this is my way of expressing.  This is my corner of the world where I write about my thoughts, my beliefs, and my passions. 
      I'm not an incredibly interesting person.  I like to play the piano, but I'm no Mozart.  I play for me...and my mother :).  I enjoy Irish dance, but I've never achieved any ridiculously amazing placings.  I also occasionally like to make art, however I don't do it very often.  I'm just an average girl who happens to be lucky enough to have friends, an encouraging family, and a wondrous God. 
    Originally, I was going to call this blog "A collage wrapped up in a puzzle."  Unfortunately, no one understood what it meant.  So, I changed it to what is now at the top of my blog.  I'm still partial to my old name.  So I'm going to talk about it. 
      See, life is a collage and a puzzle.  Since everyone has found a way to express, the world is full of different ideas, art forms, and styles.  To God, we probably look like a giant, very colorful, collage.  However, just like any good collage, there must be some method to the madness.  Therefore, God, in his sovereighnity, has found a way to arrange us all.  He has shaped us so that we all have certain places where we belong.   I look at God as the Great Puzzle Maker. 
      There is more to it though.  Over seventy names for God exist.  He is a father, a comforter, a friend, a stone wall in times of danger, a listener, and many other things.  Our human minds cannot even begin to fathom his complex nature.  Therefore, to us God is the Great puzzle. 
      Finally, I look at my self as a collage and a puzzle.  I am a mesh of ideas, emotions, and personalities.   This is probably due to my upbringing as a military child (I've lived in six different states).  Also, I am a bit of a mutt when it comes to my race. I'm Welsh, French-Canadian, possibly Native American, Swedish, Scotch-Irish, German, and Italian. I might even be missing a few in there but you get the idea. I'm a big collage. 
      I'm living in a collage.  It's the world that has been created for me and the world that I have helped to create.  If you find that my blog posts tend to be incredibly diverse from each other.  That is because I am diverse.  This is my blog.  This is me.

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