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-Robert Motherwell

Monday, December 12, 2011

Why Parents Are Crazy

      A girl is sitting quietly in the corner of the room with the family lap top, typing up a blog post.  Suddenly, her father walks into the room and starts to sing the star spangled banner to the wall.  She keeps typing, over looking this interesting turn.  Then the father starts to talk. 
     "See, I can actually sing when there is an echo coming back at me and I can hear myself." 
      The obvious response?  "Dad, you're crazy."
      The boy is walking away from a conversation with his parents reguarding facebook.  Everybody's doing it and it's perfectly safe but will they let him get one? No. So,  he mutters under his breath, "They're crazy!"

      "You need to get out of the house and spend time with other kids." Says the mother to her daughter. 
      "Well, there's a girl my age who moved in down the street.  Could you take me to meet her?"   The young girl asks.
      "No, wait until Christmas is over." 
      "But you just said..."
      The mother is already walking away.  The girl mutters, "She is crazy!" 

      Any of these scenarios look familiar?  I thought so.  For centuries children have been calling their parents crazy.  Children hardly ever try to understand their parents.  They just lable them as "weird" and move on with their life.  But why are parents crazy?  Well, it occured to me today that they are crazy because of the children they must raise. 
      Raising a child is like raising a sweet innocent puppy that later morfs into a terrifying Rug Ratz doll that later grows up to become a self-oriented Bratz doll.  Children are independent, stubborn, bratty, and sarcastic.  Just think about some of the things that you've said and done. 
      Parents are constantly faced with worries.  What if they're a bad parent and the choices that they make scar their child for life?  What if the child grows up to be another Hitler?  Then there's the problem of imitation.  Children are constantly imitating things that their parents say.  Sometimes the things that children repeat are embarrassing. 
      Children grow up and form their own opinions.  I know I have!  Parent's have to listen to, and often correct, these new opinions.  They try to explain why their child is wrong.  The child argues that she is right.  They go back and forth until the parent is so confused that he doesn't even know if he's right or not. 
      Parent's are responsible for the lives of their children.  They have to make sure that they don't do something stupid and die.  I'm constantly doing dumb things.  It's a wonder I'm even alive.  The problem is that we want to to do increasingly dangerous things as we get older.  This drives our parents nuts. 
      So, next time that you're tempted to inform your parents of their insanity, think again.  They sacrificed their sanity for you.  So try to be sensitive. :)

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