"Collage is the twentieth century's greatest innovation."
-Robert Motherwell

Thursday, December 29, 2011


This post is going to be a little bit different than usual.  Instead of explaining an idea or a concept or doing anything informative, I'm going to recreate an experience. 


The night was tangible.  The colors were bright.  Drops of water clung to the playground equipment.  Streaks of wind played with the children's hair.  A girl walked through the park.  Hands in pockets and hair free and wild. She walked to the swing, and sat down on it's damp rubber. 

The green sweater had seen better days, but it kept out the chill. It was from a discount store, so it never stayed in place.  It slipped off one shoulder.  She rocked to-and-fro until she was high off the ground.  She rushed forward, the wind pulling her hair straight back and revealing her face, and then she fell back, and her hair hid her again.  Buzz buzz went her phone.  She pulled it from her pcket and read the message.  Shoot, thought the girl.  One of her friends was informing her that she mispelled a word in the title of her recent blogpost.  The girl shook her head and sent the reply. 

The sky was swirly gray and white, like chocolate marbled bannana bread.  Near the horizon, was a strip of light, like someone had decided to put icing on the bottom of the banana bread.  The houses made sillhouettes in the strip.  The grass was almost flourecent from the rain, and the dirt nearly black.  Stark, and contrasting against the sky, skeletal tree branches reached for the heavens. 

A strane feeling had settled over the girl.  As she watched her siblings and friends play in the puddles, she could not help feeling amazed at the haunting beauty of the moment.  Her camera on her phone would not do it justice.  This world was too pretty for it to hold.  The rain had made the world beautiful.  It was almost a vampire beauty, dark and mysterious, yet bold and bright.  The girl, however did not like vampires.

Dusk was darkening and the group trudged home.  It was the time of night when the moon rises high in the sky.  Tonight it was a sliver that pierced the sky, almost like someone had punched their fingernail through black paper to let the light behind shine through. 

A star shone below the moon, bringing symetry to the picture. 

Soon, the children were within footsteps of the house.  As the girl stepped inside, the warm glow of the Christmas tree chased away the mood and the feeling of that night.  But she knew, that she would never forget. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that I spoiled your moment swinging... haha. Sweet post Rissa!! Definitely catching the mood. And i LOVE chocolate marbled banana bread!! =P
