"Collage is the twentieth century's greatest innovation."
-Robert Motherwell

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Running and Complaining

Did everyone have a good Christmas?  I did!  It seems that we have finally named the dog Nick.  He has gotten increasingly bold the more familiar that he gets with us and he seems to be developing a will.  Oh joy.  He is, of course, still as cute as ever. :) But you don't want to hear any more about the dog that is the subject of the longest post I've ever made.  So, I shall try to keep Nick comments to a minimum.

It's interesting the amount of time I spend complaining.  Cooking, shopping, getting dressed, shaving, taking vitamins, picking up after my dog...  The funny thing is, many of the things that I complain about are things that I really like or that are good for me.  I think that I just like the drama and attention that I get when I complain.  I like it when people sympathize with me and say "Aww! hang in there."  Today I am complaining about running.

Yesterday, I decided that it was time to begin working off all of the fudge, sugar cookies, eggnogg cheese cake (best cheesecake ever!), pumpkin pie, and assorted stocking stuffer candy that had settled around my waste line.  So, I went for a run.  As I pulled on excersize shorts over black leggings and an American Eagle hoody, I kept thinking about how fun running is.  I imagined myself, dashing through the streets, the wind in my hair and wings at my feet.  Then, I started running, and I remembered something; I'm really out of shape.

See, I have not been to dance class in over a week and before that I wasn't practicing nearly as much as I ought to.  This might seem like a short period of time,  but you'd be astonished at how fast stamina can weaken.  The first two laps were fine, except that little post-Christmas children started chasing me with their remote control cars and this really attractive male runner who actually knew what he was doing bounded around me when I was stopping to walk.   

By the time I finished my meager three laps around my neightborhood and struggled up the door steps, I was dizzy and struggling to breathe.  The cold air had aggrivated the flem in my lungs and I was coughing, and hacking up great gobs of nastines.  I walked in circles around my house, trying to cool down my legs.

Today my legs hurt everywhere.  My cavs are tight and ouchy (probably because I run on my toes.. don't ask why) and my hips are super sore.  I grimace everytime I sit down or try to walk down the stairs.

See, I just spent all of that time complaining about running when really I actually like it! When I'm actually in shape, I love the feeling of my feet bouncing across the pavement.  I love being outdoors with the leaves and the birds.  I love jogging through my neighborhood, and observing people at their play. I even love the sore muscles because it means I got a work out!

So, I am an awful complainer.  That's something that I need to work on when it comes to the person that God has created in me.  I think that we could all stand to spend less time complaining.  We in America complain about EVERYTHING! Shoes, clothing stores, cell phones, public restrooms.  Mabe if we all spent less time complaining (like me with running) then the world would be a better place.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! That's why I don't run... it just makes me complain more... haha. Love the post!
